Sunday 22 April 2012

I don't know how she (I) does it!

Have any of you seen this movie?  I haven’t, because it is a chick movie!  And chick movies don’t go down too well with The Bear.  When The Bear is comfy in his cave (lying on his couch), tea and ciggies at the ready – the LAST thing he wants to view is chicks crying or talking about sex.  So how about this for an idea?  How about injecting some violence into chick movies?  Just take the following scene from an average chick movie.  The dickhead guy has just broken her heart by sleeping with a) her best friend or b) some hot model he could never pull in real life.  Our heroine is sobbing her heart out, chucks him out on his ear and calls up her besties to rescue her.  BUT, what if instead, she pulls out a 9mm and pops a few into his miserable chest OR better yet, a karate kick or two to the gonads!  Then she calls her besties to help her clean up the blood.  That is a chick movie The Bear can get into. 

But now, I wonder sometimes how I do it! Let’s look at what I do from the time I get up to the time I drag the kids out the door: 5am to 6:30am

5am: The alarm goes off and I get up; bathroom, switch burglar alarm off, let dog out, put kettle on; wash face, make 1 coffee 2 sugars (The Bear), 1 tea in a teacup with 2 sugars (Fluffy) and 1 tea in a mug with sweetener (Me); deliver before mentioned beverages with a smile to sleeping partner and child; look in on the Love Puppy who is already beginning to stir, being a morning person like his Mom; organize chronic meds for The Bear and I; take meds drink tea; put on face cream; get dressed; Love Puppy boy is up and dressed at this point – ALL BY HIMSELF and he is ONLY 7; Love Puppy requests a chore – he is saving up for a Nintendo DS; I assign him to empty the dishwasher for R5 (A fully five rand Mom – that what he calls a five rand coin); While the Pup is busy I finish putting on my shoes; Then I go wake up Fluffy again and ask her to drink her tea; Then I wake up Bear and tell him where his coffee and meds are; Then I put together the kids lunches while I eat breakfast and lay out the Pup’s breakfast; Fluffy doesn’t eat breakfast – she doesn’t have time as you will see later; I yell at Fluffy to drink her tea and hear snoring from the Bear.  I give him a time check, “I’m getting up right now” is what he says; While finishing my breakfast and the kids lunches, Pup asks me to play rummy – of course I can’t say no since he is up and ready and looking all sweet without his two front teeth; So now I am making kids lunches, playing rummy; eating special-K; trying to get Fluffy to drink her tea and trying to get Bear up – Pup wins the first hand; Then I get started on our lunches; I yell at Fluffy, “Drink your tea!”  She yells back, “Tell me when its 10 minutes to go!” More snores are heard from the main bedroom; “Darling, its 6:15”, “What!” he exclaims as he turns over to hug his pillow; “ I’m packing the car Fluffy” I yell. “What!” she says as she scrambles out of bed, “You NEVER wake me on time, now I’m late and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT!” she yells. “Don’t be rude to your Mother!” The Bear contributes from under his warm duvet. As I pack the car with all the kids stuff, Princess Fluffy starts crying, “Help me!  My skirts too tight and I don’t know where Mr. Bunny is!”; quickly I find her another skirt and Mr. Bunny is found hiding under the pillow; “We are GOING!” I yell loudly. I go in to kiss The Bear good-bye.  He is having his coffee now “See you at work” he mumbles.  The Pup and I are already in the car when Fluffy flies out the door in a huff!  All ready????  Let’s go!

Now that was just from 5:00 to 6:30…. No wonder I prefer it at work ;-) 

Pic of the happy trio below!